Update your Jefferson Alert Account
SUNY Jefferson

Update your Jefferson Alert Account

Update your Jefferson Alert Account!

Stay informed about campus weather delays/cancellations and emergency notifications!

Students, faculty and staff are automatically enrolled in Jefferson Alert, an emergency notification system that utilizes telephone, voice, email, text messaging to send out alerts about weather-related closings and cancellations. This system may also be utilized to provide direction and notification in case of life threatening emergencies on campus.

With Jefferson Alert, you can choose how to receive alerts - via cell phone (text and/or voice), telephone, email or in multiple ways.

To verify your contact information and change/update telephone numbers, email addresses and notification choices, please log in to your account. If you have not yet created an account, use the link in the email sent to you with the Subject = Jefferson Alert Enrollment or contact jeffersonalert@sunyjefferson.edu for assistance. 

At a minimum, you will always receive notifications in your Jefferson email (CannonMail), but please keep your account information up-to-date so you can continue to receive notifications in the ways you want.

  • If you are not a student, faculty or staff member and want to request a Jefferson Alert account, please send an email with your request to jeffersonalert@sunyjefferson.edu.
  • Students:  you will be automatically removed from Jefferson Alert if you are not registered for at least one credit class.