Basic Needs
SUNY Jefferson
Young student listening to therapist

Basic Needs

At Jefferson Community College, we are committed to ensuring our students have the resources to achieve their full potential. We define basic needs as the essential resources that impact your health, academic performance, and overall well-being.

Campus Care

Jefferson Campus Care offers high-quality, affordable childcare for children aged 18 months to 5 years. This service is available to the children of Jefferson Community College students, faculty, and staff, as well as to community members on a space-available basis. 

Food Pantry

Our campus food pantry is here to support you when you need some food to get by for a few days. We offer non-perishable food items and some basic hygiene items. Our staff can connect you with local agencies to assist with food for you and your family. We are open during business hours 8:00-5:00 pm or by appointment. Email with an appointment request or questions.

Cannon Threads

Looking for a professional outfit for an interview, internship, or job? Stop by our campus career clothing closet to view gently-used business attire that’s free to keep. Visit the Extended Learning Center, room E-01F, Monday through Friday 9:00 am – 4:00 pm.

Homeless Liaison Info

The homeless liaison at JCC plays a crucial role in supporting students who are experiencing housing insecurity. Serving as the main point of contact, this person is dedicated to helping students access resources and assistance. As an extension of the McKinney-Vento liaisons who support students in K-12 education, the campus homeless liaison provides tailored support to help students achieve academic success in higher education. For those seeking to schedule a meeting with the campus homeless liaison, please contact: Korie Ingerson at 315-786-6573 or

RISE Student Support Services

The RISE program is here to help anyone who has experienced dating violence, domestic violence, sexual assault or stalking navigate service options and make informed decisions. We strive to create a community free of violence and oppression while promoting inclusion and safety for all. We provide consultation/referral as well as support services. Our services are free and private. 

Safety & Security

The Campus Safety & Security is comprised of full and part-time officers who are highly trained/licensed security professionals. Security officers are responsible for assisting with first aid, personal safety, CPR, AED, fire & traffic safety, crime prevention, emergency notification, lectures on various topics, and documenting incidents that occur on campus.

Health & Wellness Center

Jefferson offers health & wellness services that support and promote the physical and mental health and wellness of our student body, staff and faculty.  The Health & Wellness Center is open with staff and services provided by the North Country Family Health Center.