Bylaws of the Board of Trustees
SUNY Jefferson

Bylaws of the Board of Trustees



  1. Name of the College:
    The official name shall be Jefferson Community College hereinafter referred to as the "College". The Board of Trustees of the College shall be referred to hereinafter as the "Board".

  2. Sponsorship:
    The College is sponsored by the County of Jefferson, supervised and guided by the State University of New York as a unit of the University System and governed by the Board of Trustees pursuant to Article 126 of the New York State Education Law.

  3. Policy:
    The Board of Trustees shall set policy for governing the College and hire a President to administer the College under said policy.

  4. Members and Terms:
    The Board of Trustees consists of ten members. Four members are appointed by the Governor, five by the County Sponsor, and one, a student, is elected annually by the student body. The Governor and County Sponsor appointees serve for seven-year terms and can be re-appointed.

  5. Power and Duties of the Board:
    The College shall be governed by the Board of Trustees, appointed in conformance with Article 126, Section 6306, of the N.Y.S. Education Law. It shall be the responsibility of the Board to appoint a president and to establish the strategic plan, budget, and policies governing the operation and management of the College in accordance with N.Y.S. Education Law, and the Rules and Regulations (Part 604.2) adopted by the State University of New York Trustees (Reference: Responsibilities of the Board of Trustees of Jefferson Community College).

  6. Meetings:
    Regular meetings shall be held. The dates and times of meetings shall be placed on a calendar and announced in advance by the Board Secretary.


Meetings of the Board of Trustees

  1. Regular Meetings:
    Regular meetings shall be held, the exact time and place to be determined by the Board Chair. Notice of such meeting shall be given either by mail or electronically to each member of the Board at least five days prior to said meeting.

    The July meeting shall be the annual or organizational meeting for the ensuing year.
    All meetings of the Board of Trustees are open to the public, under provisions of the Sunshine Law of New York State.

    Robert’s Rules of Order, as modified by the rules and procedures and past practices of the Board, shall serve as a guide for the proceedings of the Board at meetings.

  2. Special Meetings:
    A special meeting shall be held on the call of the Board Chair, or the call of four members. Notice of such meeting shall be given no less than 48 hours in advance and shall state the matter(s) to be considered. No other matters shall be considered at such meeting except with the consent of all members of the Board of Trustees present at such meeting.

  3. Quorum:
    A majority of the Board membership shall constitute a quorum. All matters properly arising before a meeting at which a quorum is present require a vote of the majority (6 out of 10) of the full Board membership for passage.

  4. Procedure at Meetings:
    1. The Board Chair, or in his/her absence, the Vice Chair, shall preside and decide all questions of order. In the event both the Board Chair and the Vice Chair are absent, the Board shall elect a Chair pro tempore.

    2. An agenda of items of business to come before the meeting shall be prepared and submitted by the President. Items not on the agenda may be considered at any meeting upon the consent of a majority of the members of the Board.

    3. The order of business at each meeting shall be as follows:
      - Consideration of minutes of previous meeting.
      - Report of the President.
      - Consideration of matters held over from previous meeting.
      - Committee reports and proposed resolutions.
      - Other items.

    4. Privilege of the Floor. At the beginning of each meeting, time may be allowed for individuals or delegations to address the Board at the discretion of the Board Chair. The Chair may seek counsel of the Board when deciding whether or not to allow the presentation. Individuals or delegations granted the floor will be allowed up to five minutes for each presentation. The Chair has discretion to terminate the presentation at any time

  5. Minutes of Meetings:
    The Secretary shall attend all meetings of the Board, unless otherwise directed by the Board, and shall prepare the minutes of the meetings attended. In his or her absence at any particular meeting, the Board shall appoint a Secretary pro tempore.


Officers and Employees

  1. The Officers of the College shall be:
    1. Chair of the Board of Trustees who shall be a member of the Board.
    2. Vice Chair of the Board of Trustees who shall be a member of the Board.
    3. President of the College.
    4. Such other officers of the College, including a Treasurer and a Secretary, as the Board may from time-to-time appoint.

  2. Chair and Vice Chair:
    The Chair and Vice Chair shall be elected at the annual meeting of the Board held in July each year. In the event a Chair or a Vice Chair is not elected at the annual meeting in July, he/she may be elected at any subsequent meeting to serve for the balance of the term.
    The Chair and Vice Chair of the Board shall be eligible for election to a two-year term and be eligible to succeed himself/herself after serving one full term, for an additional one-year term. The Chair and Vice Chair then may not be reelected to the same position thereafter, until at least two full years elapse.
    The Chair shall preside at all meetings of the Board and perform such other duties and functions as may be required by the by-laws or pursuant to law. In the event of the absence or inability to act of the Chair, and while the office of Chair is vacant, the Vice Chair shall perform the duties and functions of the office of Chair.

  3. President:
    The President shall be appointed by the Board subject to the approval of the State University of New York Board of Trustees. The President shall be the Chief Administrative Officer of the College and shall have the supervision and control of its buildings, grounds, equipment, operations and employees subject to the directions of the Board. He/She shall attend the meetings of the Board, unless otherwise directed by it, and prepare the agenda for the meetings. He/she shall prepare or cause to be prepared for the consideration of the Board such budgets as may be required in connection with the appropriations of money to the College. He/she shall appoint the persons to be employed by the College and their positions and salaries. In addition, the President shall perform such other duties as may be delegated to him/her by the Board or imposed upon him/her by or pursuant to law.

  4. Treasurer:
    The Treasurer shall be the chief fiscal officer of the College. He/she shall have custody of all funds of the College appropriated for its use and paid over to it or to the Board by the appropriating body and of all other funds received by or for the account of the College. He/she shall keep itemized records of all receipts and disbursements of the College and shall make periodic reports thereof at the meeting of the Board, and shall perform such other duties as may be delegated to him/her or required by or pursuant to law.

  5. Secretary:
    The Secretary shall prepare the minutes of the meeting of the Board, shall have custody of the minute books, and shall perform such other duties as may be delegated or required by or pursuant to law.

  6. Change of Duties:
    The Board may, subject to the requirements of law, at any time and for such period as it may determine, delegate to any officer or employee the duties of any other officer or employee.

  7. Security:
    The Board shall require each officer or employee handling funds of the College to furnish such bond or other security for the faithful performance of his/her duties and shall, in the determination of the Board, afford reasonable protection to the College, the reasonable cost thereof to be borne by the College.

  8. Conflicts of Interest:
    Members of the Board of Trustees and Officers of the Board shall complete a Conflict of Interest Questionnaire annually at the July organizational meeting.



  1. There shall be five standing committees of the Board, the members of which shall be appointed to one-year terms each August by the Chair. Following the July meeting, the Chair shall solicit interest in specific committee service from Trustees. The final authority for committee appointments is with the Chair.

    1. Academic and Educational Services Committee:
      The Academic and Educational Services Committee shall be responsible to study and make recommendations to the Board on academic programs and standards, educational supportive services, and other matters affecting students and student life on the Jefferson Community College campus. The Committee's specific responsibilities include, but are not limited to, the following:

      - New curricula and revision of existing curricula
      - Instructional standards
      - Student academic requirements and policies
      - Library and instructional technology resources and policies
      - Policies pertaining to enrollment services (admission standards and procedures, financial aid, student records)
      - Policies pertaining to student life (student activities, student code of conduct and discipline, intercollegiate athletics)
      - Monitoring auxiliary services (food, textbooks, childcare, etc.)

    2. Finance and Audit Committee:
      The Finance and Audit Committee shall be responsible to study and recommend to the Board appropriate action on matters pertaining to the operating budget, short-term and long-range planning, and all matters pertaining to the College’s annual audit. This shall include, but is not limited to:
      - Approve and amend operating budget and capital plans for submission to the local sponsor and the State University Trustees
      - Establish tuition and fees
      - Establish financial and administrative policies
      - Long-range enrollment plans and projections
      - Analysis of internal and external data, including enrollment plans and projections, pertinent to the long-term management and operation of the College
      - Approve Mission, Vision and Strategic Plan
      - Select and oversee the work of the College’s external auditor
      - Review the annual audit of the College and make recommendations regarding it to the Board of Trustees

    3. Personnel Committee:
      The Personnel Committee shall be responsible to study and make recommendations to the Board in matters pertaining to employees of the College. This includes, but is not limited to:
      - Personnel policies for administration, faculty, and classified employees and terms of employment for College Personnel (in accordance with the provisions specified in collective bargaining agreements)
      - Continuing appointment and promotion of faculty and professional staff members
      - Sabbatical leaves
      - Salaries and conditions of employment for personnel not covered under a labor contract
      - Addition of new or revised position titles
      - Administrative organization of the College
      - Annual evaluation of the President
      - Advice and counsel to the President on matters relating to College personnel
      - Grievances
      - Emerita/emeritus designation

    4. Facilities Committee:
      The Facilities Committee shall be responsible to study and make recommendations to the Board in matters pertaining to the physical facilities, buildings, and grounds of the campus. This includes, but is not limited to:
      - Policies for the use of College facilities by outside organizations
      - Policies that ensure safety and accessibility of facilities
      - Approve all projects requiring capital funding
      - Approve property acquisitions and rentals of facilities other than the main campus
      - Accept non-real estate gifts and bequests to the College
      - Adhere to policies related to the naming of College buildings and facilities
      - Approve the Facilities Master Plan

    5. Nominating Committee:
      The Nominating Committee shall be responsible for soliciting candidates for the Chair and Vice Chair positions and proposing a slate of officers for election to same at the annual/regular meeting of the Board each July. Prior to voting on the slate proposed by the Nominating Committee, an opportunity shall be given by the Chair of the Board for nominations for any office from the floor.

      The Nominating Committee shall also be charged with recommending to the full Board individuals for potential consideration for local and gubernatorial Trustee appointments.

  2. Ad Hoc Committee:
    The Chair may appoint Ad Hoc Committees as necessary from time-to- time. Such committees will meet as needed when directed by the Chair.

  3. Executive Committee:
    An Executive Committee, consisting of the Board Chair, Vice Chair, and at least two committee chairs, shall meet as needed to assist the President in defining matters to come forward to the Board.


Amendment of Bylaws

The Bylaws shall be reviewed annually and may be amended by a majority vote of all of the members of the Board at any regular or special meeting of the Board, provided the proposed amendment or amendments shall have been provided to each member of the Board for review at least seven days prior to the meeting with notice that the proposed amendment or amendments will be considered at the meeting.

Res. 135-91, 7/17/91
Res. 153-11, 8/3/11
Res. 170-23, 7/12/2023