Professional and Peer Tutoring in English, Reading, and Math
- TRIO students appreciate the intensive level of support provided by our professional tutors in the areas of English, reading, and math.
- TRIO professional tutors meet daily with students to provide one-on-one support preparing for exams, reviewing essays, and reinforcing course topics.
- In addition to one-on-one professional tutoring, TRIO also hires peer tutors to be available as needed.
Academic Advising
Counselors meet with students each semester to review graduation requirements and assist with registration.
Career, Transfer, and Personal Counseling
- TRIO counselors want to make sure students feel good about the degree they are pursuing
and are aware of the necessary requirements.
- Career Exploration: 1 credit hour course will help students confirm a career choice or may lead them in a new direction! Students use career software, self assessments in personality and interests, learning styles, skills, abilities, and values.
- TRIO assists students to identify transfer schools and admissions contacts, explain articulation agreements, and help submit applications to ensure a smooth transmission beyond Jefferson.
- TRIO offers personal counseling to students struggling with everyday situations that may impact their college performance. In some cases, we may refer to a community agency to meet individual needs.
Financial Aid Counseling/Financial Literacy
TRIO encourages students to apply for financial resources and reminds students when it is time to renew their applications for the following year. TRIO also incorporates a financial literacy course that all TRIO students take as part of our program.
Need Based Scholarships
TRIO has money reserved to award need-based scholarships to students that are Pell eligible and participate in program services.
Study Area Equipped with Computers
TRIO has a private lab attached to our office equipped with computers, a printer, and a quiet study space.
Summer Bridge for New Students
Summer Bridge is designed for new students that place into developmental reading and/or
English. This program gives a student the opportunity to “bridge” the gap between
their current academic abilities and the start of college level coursework. The course
work is free!
The only cost to the student is the textbook. In addition to classroom lecture time,
students participate in math, information and computer literacy, career exploration,
and college readiness workshops. In addition, need-based scholarships will be available
to students that complete the Summer Bridge program.