Prior Felony Convictions Policy
SUNY Jefferson

Prior Felony Convictions Policy


State University of New York (SUNY) policy prohibits Jefferson Community College admission applications from inquiring into an applicant’s prior criminal history, and charges all SUNY campuses to create policies that collect felony information only from students wishing to live in college housing, study abroad or who participate in certain clinical and field experiences or internships.

The purpose of this policy is to ensure that Jefferson Community College is in full compliance with SUNY requirements regarding students with previous felony convictions participating in covered activities.


Certain terms are used in this document with specific meanings, as defined in this section.

  1. The term “Clinical or Field Experience” includes hands-on application of academic theories occurring in an off-campus setting. These experiences are either required as part of an academic program or otherwise sponsored by the campus and are commonly occurring in medical, social work, teacher education and research programs.
  2. The term “Internship” includes applied learning experiences for which a student may earn academic credit in an agreed-upon, short-term, supervised workplace activity, which may be related to a student's major field or area of interest. The work can be full or part time, on or off campus, paid or unpaid. Internships integrate classroom knowledge and theory with practical application and skills developed in professional or community settings.
  3. The term “Study Abroad” includes education that occurs outside of the country that results in progress toward an academic degree at the student’s home institution.

Statement of Policy:

  1. All prospective and current students at Jefferson Community College are subject to this policy
  2. After an applicant has been accepted as a student, Jefferson Community College shall inquire if the student has a prior felony conviction only if such student seeks:
    1. Access to campus housing;
    2. Participation in study abroad programs; or
    3. Participation in clinicals, field experiences, or internships.
  3. The information required to be disclosed under SUNY policy regarding felony convictions shall be reviewed by a standing campus committee consistent with the legal standards articulated in New York State Corrections Law or by Program Specific Faculty Internship Coordinators.
  4. Students who have previously been convicted of a felony must be advised that their prior criminal history may impede their ability to complete the requirements of certain academic programs or to meet licensure requirements for certain professions.
    1. The current listing of academic programs and certificates requiring clinical or field experience, internships, or a study abroad experience must be made publicly available or is on file with the Office of the Vice President for Academic Affairs.
  5. The Vice President for Academic Affairs is responsible for overseeing this policy.

Policy Procedures:

After an applicant has been accepted as a student, Jefferson Community College shall inquire if the student has a prior felony conviction only if the student choses to participate in a covered activity.

  • Student completes the Prior Felony conviction Questionnaire.
  • Student will receive a letter from the Dean of Students Office requesting documentation.
  • Student will send documentation to Dean of Students Office
  • A Campus Committee will review conviction and supporting documents to determine if the student can participate in the covered activity.
  • Student will be notified by the Dean of Students Office if they can participate int the covered activity by email and mailed letter.

Students who have previously been convicted of a felony are advised that their prior criminal history may impede their ability to complete the requirements of certain academic programs and/or to meet licensure requirements for certain professions. The following academic programs require an internship, student teaching, study abroad, or clinical/field experience and therefore are subject to the SUNY Prior Felony Convictions policy

Questionnaire to be completed in order to participate in covered activities.
Click on the following link: Prior Felony Conviction Questionnaire

Gabrielle Thompson
Associate Vice President of Student Affairs
(315) 786-6551


APPROVED:  Res. 138-23, April 2023